Partnering with the community, the Academy District Twenty Education Foundation will secure resources to create, enhance, or support outstanding programs resulting in learned, responsible citizens. The D20 Foundation has used the proceeds of its fund-raising efforts to provide scholarships for high school students, classroom grants to teachers and seminars for staff.
Our Resources:
The foundation’s only way to gather resources is through fundraising and contributions. The revenue is used for student scholarships, grants for teachers, awards for outstanding district educators, staff members, volunteers, and sponsorship of educational speakers for staff. The foundation is committed to enhancing educational opportunities for all district students and staff.
Our Vision:
Enhance the Academy D20 learning experience by giving teachers and students additional opportunities to innovate and succeed.
We Believe:
- Supporting our students and staff is vital to success
- Innovative ideas enrich learning
- Integrity is imperative in everything we do
- Community involvement is key
The Academy District Twenty Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Tax ID Number 84-1211422.
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