The D20 Foundation’s Board of Directors is committed to excellence in education and in empowering our community with opportunities. Our board members have extensive experience in our community and with District 20 schools.

Karin Reynolds – President
Karin is a 45-year educator who has served a variety of school districts throughout Colorado as a teacher, coach, and school administrator. Karin began her service to Academy District 20 in 2005 as the Executive Director for Learning Services, the Assistant Superintendent for Learning Services, and the Deputy Superintendent prior to her retirement in 2016. She served as a director and president of the Academy District 20 School Board from 2017 – 2021. Karin joined the Foundation Board in 2021 because of her continued passion to serve students and staff to ensure that K12 education is always at the forefront of a community. She is currently serving as an assistant teaching professor and Advanced Licensure Faculty Director at UCCS as well as an educational consultant specializing in strategic planning and board policy governance.

Glenn Strebe – Vice President
Living in Colorado Springs since 1983, Glenn has been involved in D20 as a parent, volunteer on numerous committees, on the Board of Education, and the D20 Education Foundation. He first served the Foundation from approximately 2001-2019 and as its president from 2004-2019. Glenn joined the Foundation again in 2023 out of his passion to serve the community and kids. Glenn and his wife, Terri (Rampart HS ‘84), have two children (Josh PCHS ‘10 and Kamiko PCHS ‘11) and five grandchildren. He serves the membership of Air Academy Credit Union as its President/CEO.

Tom Gregory – Treasurer
Born and raised in Academy District 20, Thomas Gregory has a passion for the educational process and thrives on helping others succeed. He was a classroom teacher for 11 years, a school administrator for four years, and completed his fourteenth year as the leader for the business operations at Academy District 20 in 2019. Tom is a former Academy District 20 Superintendent.

Chris Palmer – Secretary
Chris Palmer has served on the Academy School District 20 Education Foundation Board of Directors since 2003. She taught English at Air Academy High School for 36 years and is passionate about continuing to serve and support both students and teachers through the programs of the Foundation. As an educational consultant for the College Board, she gives workshops for educators throughout the United States. In addition, Palmer is a Manager with SendOutCards and works with businesses to help develop their relationship marketing.

Anne Krajcovic – Board Member
Anne Krajcovic recently retired from her position of Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent of Academy District 20. Krajcovic has collaborated with the Foundation, supporting its fund-raising efforts throughout her career at ASD20. Her two children graduated from Rampart High School.

Dave Malmquist – Board Member
Dave Malmquist is a Colorado native from a Pioneer family dating back to 1860, and a lifelong educator. He joined the Foundation Board in March, 2021, but as an experienced golfer, he was a key planner for our very first Cash for Classrooms tournament in 2000. Dave taught math and coached football and golf all over Colorado from Strasburg to Buena Vista and Falcon District, before coming to District 20 where he spent eighteen years at Liberty HS teaching, coaching and serving as Dean of Students before retiring. Dave then spent six years as a volunteer math coach, and working on instruction and curriculum at Woodland Park HS. Dave’s continuing passion is kids and their education (although he is pretty passionate about golf, too).

Greg Stephens – Board Member

Cindy Wenzel – Board Member
Cindy Wenzel is a lifelong educator with over 30 years of teaching and school administrator experience. She has worked in various states and school districts across the country. While in Academy District 20, she served as a secondary math teacher, dean of students, assistant principal, and district assessment director.
In retirement, she continues to support her passion for education by working with student teachers and serving on the ASD20 Education Foundation Board of Directors.

Jinger Haberer – Academy District 20 Superintendent
The Academy District 20 Superintendent holds a permanent ex-officio seat without a vote.
Jinger Haberer brings 35 years of educational experience to the district’s superintendent role. She previously served as the Superintendent of the Ellensburg School District, Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement for Poudre School District, held several administrative positions in the Aurora Public School District, and prior to her administrative roles, taught secondary science, language arts, and math in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Nevada.
Jinger’s complete bio can be found on the Academy District 20 website.
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